Tag: resource
Sport and Active Health, your regular roundup of sports news from the University
Reading time: 6 minutesMark Munro, Director of Sport and Active Health at the University, shares a roundup of the latest news from across the world of sport and active health at the University.
New materials to support staff with teaching
Reading time: < 1 minuteA new SharePoint site has been set up to support tutors and demonstrators, at any career stage, with their teaching.
Finance Development Hub now live
Reading time: < 1 minuteThe Finance Development Hub has launched, hosting a variety of resources for colleagues who need to complete financial tasks.
New 360 Feedback tool for managers and leaders
Reading time: 2 minutesThe University has launched a new 360-degree Feedback tool to provide participants with feedback from multiple sources on how they are seen to lead and manage others.
Staff required to take part in royalties data collection exercise
Reading time: 2 minutesUniversity staff are now required to take part in an exercise which will provide a snapshot of how employees are copying or using published materials such as books or journals