Corporate Parenting Plan

Reading time: 2 minutes

The University has worked closely with care-experienced and estranged students to create a corporate parenting action plan.

In June 2022, the National Network for the Education of Care-Leavers (NNECL) stated that “Care-experienced people comprise one of the most under-represented groups within higher education”. In September 2022, the University of Edinburgh welcomed its largest ever cohort of care-experienced students as a result of its ongoing commitment to widening access and participation for this under-represented group.

Find out more about students with care experience here. 

The University’s Corporate Parenting Plan (CPP) 2022-2027 outlines the role University staff play in supporting students with care experience and students who are estranged from their family. The plan covers the University’s ambitions for supporting our care-experienced and estranged students at each stage of the student lifecycle. The plan was created with input from these priority student groups.

Read the CPP online 

We define care experience as any time spent in care at any stage of your life. There is no age restriction on our definition of care experienced. Estranged students include those who are aged 25 or under at the start of their studies and do not have the financial or emotional support of their family due to a breakdown in the relationship.

Find out more about estranged students here. 



An online information session for all University staff will take place on Thursday 7 September at 9.30am.  

You can book a place for the training session here  

If you have any questions, please contact us at