Student recruitment in a digital landscape

Reading time: 3 minutesHow can you organise an open day with global restrictions on travel? How can you show off Edinburgh without walking around the city? And how can you support and communicate with prospective students when they are spread out across the world? These are just a few of the challenges facing …

Top tips on using People and Money, your new HR and finance system

Reading time: 3 minutesNow that our University’s new HR services, supported and enabled by the People and Money system, are now live, make sure you take time to go in and explore the system. As a reminder, all of us can now log in via MyEd to complete everyday HR tasks like requesting or approving leave, recruiting to new …

A close connection

Reading time: 5 minutesThe School of History, Classics & Archaeology has a strong tradition of working closely with the University’s Students’ Association and student societies, and throughout the coronavirus pandemic this relationship has been stronger than ever. For Dr Esther Mijers, Senior Lecturer in Scottish History and Director of Undergraduate Studies, preparations at …

The Edinburgh Hybrid Teaching Exchange: what we’ve learned about hybrid since June

Reading time: 3 minutesBack in July, bulletin shared the work that went into launching the Hybrid Teaching Exchange. The website showcases how colleagues across the University have approached the shift to a hybrid teaching. Here, Joe Arton, Academic Developer and part of the Hybrid Teaching Exchange project team, shares what they’ve learnt since …

Adapting to hybrid teaching

Reading time: 6 minutesProviding a world-class university education to more than 40,000 students has never been simple. This year, that challenge has of course taken on the extra complication of adapting life on campus to meet both the needs of our students and complex coronavirus prevention precautions. Social distancing means packed lecture theatres …

Embracing technology and data-driven methods in academic research

Reading time: 5 minutesThe pandemic has changed how a lot of people work. More than ever we’re relying on technology and data-driven methods to help with out day-to-day roles. In this issue Edd McCracken, Head of News, speaks to a number of our academics about how they have embraced this new way of …