Europe Day celebrations

Reading time: 2 minutes

Europe Day is held every year on 9 May, marking the anniversary of the historic Schuman declaration, celebrating peace and unity in Europe.

The theme of Europe Day in 2024 is a celebration of the University’s ongoing engagement with Europe and our institutional membership of the Una Europa alliance which brings together 11 of Europe’s leading universities to create a ‘University of the Future’ by facilitating research collaboration, and creating learning and development opportunities for staff and innovative international experiential learning opportunities for students.

Events on campus and online include:

7 May

  • 10:30-11:30 – Introduction to Horizon Europe (HE) collaborative calls – How to navigate the maze and is it worth it?

Offered by the Edinburgh Research Office for research staff (including research managers and administrators)

9 May

  • 11:00-12:00 – Una Europa: A beginner’s guide to staff and student opportunities – Discover what Una Europa can do for you!

Offered by the Europe Regional team, Edinburgh Global, for academic and professional staff

  • 12:30-13:30 – Free Una Europa language tasters in German, Italian, French and Spanish

Come and have a go at one or two languages in this series of 25-minute tasters for complete beginners.

Offered by the Centre for Open Learning, for academic and professional staff

  • 15:00-17:00 – Una.Lecture and panel discussion: ‘The Future of Europe: what will it be and are we up for it?’

Led by Edinburgh academic colleagues on Una Europa’s Self-Steering Committee, Europe and the World, for academic and professional staff

  • 17:00-18:30 – ‘The Future of Europe’ Drinks Reception

Optional reception for attendees of the Una.Lecture

Find out more

View the full programme and register for Europe Day events at Edinburgh Global’s dedicated webpage.

Europe Day 2024 | The University of Edinburgh

Stay connected on opportunities across the Una Europa Alliance.

Una Europa staff newsletter

Contact with any questions