Senate elections 2023

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Nominations for eligible members of academic and research staff to join the University Senate open tomorrow, Wednesday 1 March.

This is an opportunity to play a part in the University’s supreme academic body, shaping our University’s plans and the delivery of teaching, learning and research in alignment with Strategy 2030. 

All staff from our academic and research community who have been in post from 31 January 2023 are eligible to stand for Senate. This year, there are 130 academic staff positions available across all three Colleges.  

It is important that Senate reflects the diversity of our disciplines and our academic staff community. Representation is sought from academic and research staff at all career stages, with applications encouraged from professorial staff, teaching staff, research staff, clinical staff, postdoctoral fellows, postgraduate tutors and demonstrators.  

To apply, you can self-nominate using the online form below. Each nominee is asked to provide a short statement in support of their nomination. No supporting signatures are required. 

Senate elections information and nomination form

Nominations close on Wednesday 29 March at 12 noon. 

Should an election be required, the Senate website will be updated with candidate statements on Monday 3 April, with online voting to commence on Wednesday 19 April.