Celebrating our colleagues – November

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Each month, Bulletin highlights and celebrates the latest prizes awarded to our fellow staff members. Congratulations to all involved.

The COVID-19 Critical Care: Understanding and Application MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) has been included in FutureLearn’s 100 most popular courses of all time. You can read more about the creation of this MOOC in this Bulletin story

Dr Chiara Bonacchi, Chancellor’s Fellow in Heritage, Text and Data Mining and Senior Lecturer in Heritage in the School of History, Classics & Archaeology, and Professor Isla Myers-Smith, a global change ecologist from the School of GeoSciences, have both been named in the list of winners of the 2022 Philip Leverhulme Prize.

Dr Andres Garcia Dominguez, Postdoctoral Researcher in the School of Chemistry, has been awarded a prestigious Royal Society University Research Fellowship (URF). The Royal Society URF allows postdoctoral researchers to develop their independent career within the UK while demonstrating their ambition and leadership.

Professor Michael Eddleston, Personal Chair of Clinical Toxicology and Leah Utyasheva, Policy Director, both from the Centre for Pesticide Suicide Prevention have been named on Vox’s Future Perfect 50 list. The list comprises scientists, thinkers, writers and activists building a more perfect future.

Dr Ross Galloway, Senior Lecturer in the School of Physics & Astronomy, has been awarded the 2022 Institute of Physics Marie Curie-Sklodowska Medal and Prize in recognition of work in developing, using and communicating research-based approaches to active student learning in physics and other disciplines.

Dr Leah Macaden, Senior Lecturer in the School of Health in Social Science, was recently inducted as a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing. Dr Macaden was one of 250 nurse leaders from around the world and one of only four senior academic nurses in the UK to be awarded this prestigious award this year. The Fellowship recognises Dr Macaden’s contributions to healthcare in the care of older people with sensory & cognitive impairments through research integrated teaching.

Please get in touch with us to let us know about any awards you or your colleagues have received. You can email us at bulletin@ed.ac.uk