Need to know – 14 June

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Top updates from across the University.

1. Hybrid Work Survey 2022

Staff are invited to complete the Hybrid Work Survey 2022. It will take around 15 minutes to complete and will remain open until 25 June: Access the Hybrid Work 2022 survey

The survey aim is to gain insight into:

  • hybrid work experiences
  • future aspirations relating to a hybrid work pattern (i.e. split between on and off campus work)
  • the reasons behind those preferences
  • engagement with the Hybrid Working framework.

The survey complements the Hybrid and Home Working survey carried out last year. The findings will help to inform the work of the Hybrid Working Programme and Hybrid Working guidance for the University.

The survey has been designed and led by a research team headed by Lila Skountridaki, from the University of Edinburgh Business School. As with the last survey, answers remain completely anonymous and confidential.

2. Changes to email services

From mid-July 2022, the display name used in emails, Teams, SharePoint and other services will be updated from the current SURNAME Firstname format to Firstname Surname. This will reflect the way your name is displayed in other systems. The new format will be based on the details held in your staff record, which you can update in People and Money:

Instructions on how to update your details

An advisory warning banner has been added to all incoming email messages from external senders. This will help to protect against phishing, a security threat to our University and staff which targets personally identifiable information and can cause both financial and reputational damage.

The warning banner acts as a reminder of the risks associated with clicking links in emails. All emails originating from outside the University are tagged with this message, reminding recipients to exercise caution and not click on links or open attachments in emails that are unfamiliar.

More information and helpful advice can be found on the Information Services webpages:

University email services

3. Annual Reviews

As shared in the all-staff email last week, the completion date for this year’s Annual Reviews has been extended by one month to 31 August. This is in recognition of workloads across the institution. Please note that if your area is working to shorter timeframes then you should continue to deliver to those agreed with your line manager.

New tools and guidance have been created by HR to help you get the most out of the annual review process. Annual reviews are an important reflection point for all staff. They provide the time and space to have a good quality, meaningful conversation.

Annual review guidance and resources