Dr Leah McCabe, Teaching Fellow in Politics and International Relations in the School of Social and Political Science, has won the 2022 Elizabeth Wiskemann Prize from the Political Studies Association for her dissertation exploring the dynamics of power and inclusion surrounding social inequality. The competition recognises and encourages research in the subject areas of social inequality and their intersection, and strategies for addressing these inequalities and promoting social justice.
Cathie Sudlow, Professor of Neurology and Clinical Epidemiology, and Bruce Guthrie, Professor of General Practice and Director of Advanced Care Research Centre, both in the Usher Institute, have been elected Fellows to the Academy of Medical Sciences. The new Fellows have been recognised for their remarkable contributions to biomedical and health science and their ability to generate new knowledge and improve the health of people everywhere.
Please get in touch with us to let us know about any awards you or your colleagues have received. You can email us at bulletin@ed.ac.uk