Need to know – 3 May

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Top updates from across the University.

1. Covid changes

All Covid rules and restrictions have been lifted in Scotland. The University website and What You Need To Know SharePoint site for staff have been updated with the latest guidance.

Test sites are now closed and people with symptoms will no longer be advised that they need to arrange a Covid test. Testing will revert to local NHS Health Protection Teams who will manage any outbreak or community testing directly with employers or groups of the public.

The public health advice for people who feel unwell is to stay at home until they feel better, to reduce the risk of infecting other people.

For more information, please see Management of Covid-19 cases

We are asking our whole University community to play your part and help stop the spread of Covid-19:

  • Clean your hands regularly
  • Respect other’s personal space
  • Wear a face covering
  • Stay home if you’re unwell

Posters and plasma graphics supporting this message have been rolled out across campuses and are being promoted across our staff and student channels.

University website

What You Need To Know SharePoint site

2. Edinburgh Student Vision Consultation

The development of the Edinburgh Student Vision is a key step for the Curriculum Transformation Programme. Its purpose is to define a shared ambition for the distinctive qualities and impact of the curriculum for our applicants, students and graduates. The consultation will be open until the end of May 2022 and the team would love to hear what you think. Please visit the Hub to find out more and contribute towards our shared Edinburgh Student Vision: Edinburgh Student Vision Consultation