Need to know – 29 March

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Top updates from across the University.

1. All-staff Town Hall

All staff are invited to an online information and Q&A session with the Principal and Senior Leadership Team on Monday 4 April from 09:30am to 10:45am   

Updates will be provided on current activities and strategic priorities.

The meeting will be held on Microsoft Teams Live Events and places can be booked through MyEd if you have not already done so: Book your place on MyEd

To help manage questions from such a large number of attendees, you are encouraged to submit your question in advance so that the most recurring staff concerns can be addressed. There will also be the opportunity to ask questions during the event: Pre-submit your question

2. Industrial Action reporting

Colleagues must notify the University if they have taken part in action or refused to cross the picket lines during the Industrial Action last week. Staff are required to notify the University by 5pm on Friday 1 April.

Details on how staff can do this can be found on SharePoint.

3. Covid guidance

Following the First Minister’s announcement two weeks ago, the Health and Safety team has revised and updated our guidance. The document highlights those measures that remain in place on campus, called routine measures, as well as those that can now be removed, or changed back to the pre Covid-19 measures: Guidance for controlling risk of transmission of Covid-19

We can expect a further update from the Scottish Government today, following which the above guidance will be updated, taking into account any changes in legal requirements on face coverings, changes to testing and reporting, and our approach to the period beyond May 2022.