Celebrating our colleagues – 29 March

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Each fortnight, Bulletin highlights and celebrates the latest prizes awarded to our fellow staff members. Congratulations to all involved.


Dr Meryl Kenny, Senior Lecturer in Gender and Politics and Co-Director at the Centre on Constitutional Change, and Professor Fiona Mackay, Professor of Politics and Head of the School of Social & Political Science, have joined the academic advisory board for a new review of the representation and participation of women in the Scottish Parliament.

The audit will cover a wide range of issues, including the number and position of women parliamentarians; participation and intervention levels in Chamber business; and the impact of parliamentary procedures and policies.


Dr Jasmin Wertz, Lecturer in Psychology in the School of Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences, has been awarded the Association for Psychological Science’s Rising Star award. The accolade is presented to association members in the early stage of their research career and recognises the great potential for them and their work.


Dr Ana María Daza Vargas, Lecturer in International Law in Edinburgh Law School, has been elected to join the Steering Committee of the Academic Forum – UNCITRAL Group III, negotiating the reform of investor state dispute settlement (ISDS). The Steering Committee works closely with UNCITRAL Group III Secretariat, providing background information (through academic articles and reports) to states’ delegates.


Please get in touch with us to let us know about any awards you or your colleagues have received. You can email us at bulletin@ed.ac.uk