Now, the team has developed a new FutureLearn course called Self Care and Wellbeing: A Practical Guide for Health and Social Care.
The events of the last two years have resulted in major challenges and relentless pressure on those in the frontline of health and social care. Accepting greater levels of responsibility than usual has resulted in an increase in stress as well as physical, mental and emotional fatigue. This has resulted in a compelling need for people to develop resourcefulness to deal with difficult, traumatic situations.
While the course is mainly targeted towards those in health or social care, the content will prove valuable to all learners looking to improve their wellbeing. On this free three-week course, you’ll learn practical self care exercises such as being present, self-kindness, and the three-step breathing space. The lessons will highlight the importance of self-compassion and mindfulness in the practice of caring human factors. You’ll find out how to manage effectively your response to stress, at work and at home.
Course creators include Graham Nimmo from Edinburgh Medical School, Tonks Fawcett and Dorothy Armstrong from the School of Nursing, and Mindfulness Chaplain Kitty Wheater.
One participant said: “The Three Good Things Exercise is excellent for taking the practitioner mask off so that you can be yourself and not carry feelings of blame back to your home and families. Excellent video to nurture carer wellbeing.
“Doctors all over the globe have been working under stress during unprecedented circumstances. Special thanks to the course instructors who shared videos addressing our emotional and psychological welfare.”
Discover how to care for yourself so that you can better care for others. Enrol on the Self Care and Wellbeing course today on FutureLearn.