One of the findings highlighted in the report is the need for a university-wide approach to wellbeing.
The Student Minds Mental Health Charter states that, “any genuine whole-university approach should consider staff and student wellbeing as inextricably linked and supportive of the other,” while UUK’s StepChange report says that “good mental health is central to staff engagement, productivity and creativity.”
The whole university approach therefore aims to shift focus to academic wellbeing, not merely student wellbeing; accounting for the students and those teaching, supervising and supporting them.
A wellbeing paper has been produced, drawing insight from existing good practices in the University, the authors’ research, evidence from the global education sector, and sector-wide reports, approaches and frameworks relating to embedding wellbeing across curricula.
The paper has been prepared by Rosalyn Claase (Strategic Change), Professor Liz Grant (Deanery of Clinical Sciences), Revd Dr Harriet Harris (Chaplaincy) and Dr Mark Hoelterhoff (Clinical Psychology and Edinburgh Futures Institute).
Please read the paper in full: Wellbeing in the Curriculum
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