Staff Health and Wellbeing Hub refresh

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Staff health and wellbeing is always a priority, and the University is committed to developing a working environment and working practices which will help to maintain and improve your health and wellbeing.

There is an abundance of support services and resources available to staff – both internally and externally provided – and colleagues across the University are always working to improve these, take on new initiatives and ensure that we are covering the health and wellbeing needs of our staff community.

To support this, the Staff Health and Wellbeing Hub has had a refresh. It’s important you can find the information you are looking for, whenever you may need it, and to provide you with the latest news and updates all in one place.

Staff Health and Wellbeing Hub

You can find the following information on the Hub:

  • How you can speak to someone about your own mental health
  • How you can access self-help resources
  • How you can support others who may be struggling
  • How to access help in a crisis
  • How you can access support on health related matters that may affect you at work
  • Ways you can make improvements to your physical health

If you have any questions about the Staff Health and Wellbeing Hub, or any suggestions for content or initiatives, please get in touch via: