Hybrid Working update

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The Hybrid Working Framework was made available to all staff in July. The Framework provides resources and guidance about hybrid working which you can use during the transition period to new working patterns. The University will not set any new work patterns until after May 2022.
Access the Hybrid Working Framework.

In addition to the feasibility studies that are underway as part of the hybrid working programme, we know many of you are embarking on your own hybrid working journeys and developing local guidance and principles to support this.

Multiracial group of business people wearing protective face mask on board meeting, while trying to find a solution with a female CEO during video call for a business improvement during COVID-19 pandemic

What support is available?

The Hybrid Working Framework includes a number of resources that can be used to inform and enhance your local planning processes:

The Hybrid Working Framework was produced in collaboration with colleagues involved in the feasibility studies and the hybrid working programme. If you have made use of the Framework, do tell us what you think.

Another key element of the programme is research aimed at understanding our context for hybrid working. The research team shares its findings on the Hybrid Working Framework. Read their latest outputs in the research section.

What’s happening on the frontline?

Throughout the University, crucial work is being done across Schools and departments to plan for the return to campus and the reintegration with colleagues who have been on campus throughout the pandemic. The programme has strong links via its membership, which enables us to stay up to date with activities.

We have initiated a number of feasibility studies where we are tracking more closely the experiences of colleagues who are planning and designing for hybrid working. Further information about about this can be found on SharePoint.

What’s new?

Tell us about your experiences of hybrid meetings

We would love to hear your experiences with hybrid meetings and are keen to hear from people attending these on campus and remotely. We are kitting out a number of rooms across campus with high quality microphones and speakers, and trying out a device called Teams Rooms to see how we can improve people’s experience of hybrid meetings. We will also keep our guidance under review and development as we find out what’s useful. You can use our feedback form to tell us about attending or organising a hybrid meeting.

You can also find out more about the Hybrid Meetings Project.

Managing shared desks

Nine teams in the Hybrid Working Feasibility Study are trialling various technologies to help manage shared desks. Teams are encouraged to think about the pros, cons and recommendations of the system being trialled, as people try out different hybrid working patterns and use their space differently. We will be gathering feedback over the coming weeks. Keep an eye on the Hybrid Working e-bulletin for updates. If you want to join one of the trials, please contact us.

Call for bloggers

The hybrid working blogsite has just been launched and will serve as a space to share our experiences of hybrid working as we adapt to working life post-Covid. We encourage experience-sharing as we all navigate towards our new normal, learning from each other about what has worked well and not so well throughout the transition. Read the Hybrid Working Programme Blog.

Here’s a flavour of the blogs being shared:

Jo Craiglee discusses the experience of working on the hybrid working programme, the collaborative approach to decision-making and her hopes for hybrid working as a good practice sharing opportunity. Read Enabling and Supporting Work Transitions.

Dr Victoria Lee shared her interviews with staff about their hybrid working experience. Dr Lee breaks down the findings of working at home compared to on campus, focusing on the key findings, advantages and disadvantages as reported by our staff. Space is a key focus of the discussion and she examines the home working environments described by staff and discusses wellbeing and its relation to the work environment. Read A (nice) room of one’s own.

We’d love to hear your experiences. As we are co-creating the Hybrid Working Framework with you, we need you to tell us what’s working and what challenges you are up against. If you wish to contribute to the blogsite, please contact us.

Keep up to date

Our SharePoint site is kept updated with all information related to Hybrid Working. Visit the Hybrid Working SharePoint Site.

Our e-Bulletin is our primary communications tool, where we share updates to the Hybrid Working Framework, blogs and signposts to useful resources. For the latest updates on progress, subscribe to the Hybrid Working e-Bulletin.

Images: Kosamtu/GettyImages