New transport Initiatives

Reading time: 2 minutes
After analysing the results of the May 2021 Hybrid Working Staff Survey, the University has introduced several transport initiatives for the new academic year.

Survey responses suggest staff returning to campus expect to change their travel behaviour, with a shift away from public transport towards walking, cycling and car use.

Interactive campus map

An interactive, digital campus map, designed to inform users about the geographical layout of the University estate and the travel options for reaching our campuses, has been launched. This shows the location and type of University buildings, showing cycling and public transport routes, walking and cycling travel times, and cycle, car and disabled car parking locations. The map was created in-house by EDINA, with grant funding support from the Scottish Government’s Smarter Choices, Smarter Place programme. View the interactive campus map.

Increased cycle parking

An extra 1,500 open access cycle parking spaces have already been provided, increasing the total to 7,418 spaces. Secure cycle stores will be opening soon at Minto House in the Central Area, at the Faraday Building and Grant Institute at King’s Buildings, and at the Vet School and Roslin Institute at Easter Bush. Estates have also improved security at existing cycle stores by replacing locking mechanisms. Four cycle maintenance stations and eight public bike pumps have been procured for installation at secure cycle stores across the University estate. There have also been refurbishments of shower facilities and lockers are being provided at the Bristo and Alexander Graham Bell bike stores.

Shuttle bus and evening ticket offer

The King’s Buildings shuttle bus is running from 13 September. From 6.30pm on weekday evenings during semester time, staff and students will also be able to use Service 41 between King’s Buildings and Potterrow for just £1. This offer is being subsidised by the University. You can find out more about this service online.

Young Persons’ Scottish Government Free Bus Travel Scheme

From 31 January 2022, anyone under the age of 22 living in Scotland will be able to use public bus services for free. Details of the scheme will be provided soon but the Scottish Government has confirmed it will run using the Young Scot Card. Find out more about the Young Persons’ Free Bus Travel Scheme.

Lothian Buses Citysmart cards for business use

Schools and departments can now purchase Lothian Buses Citysmart cards from the Transport Office for staff use on business journeys. The cards hold 20 single journeys and cost a discounted price of £35. Find out more about the Citysmart cards. 

Edinburgh Cycle Hire Scheme (Just Eat Cycles)

Please note that this scheme closed on 17 September, when the existing contract between Transport for Edinburgh (TfE) and the operator ends. There are strong indications that TfE and Edinburgh Council will look to quickly procure a replacement scheme and the University will continue to support these efforts. In the meantime, University employees can make savings on the cost of a bike and equipment for commuting to work through the Cycle to Work scheme.

Images: Pitr134/GettyImages