Pride Month

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June sees the celebration of Pride Month; an opportunity to remember and recognise the LGBT+ community and their history.

To mark Pride month, bulletin asked our Staff Pride Network colleagues about their experiences of our LGBT+ community and will be sharing their powerful stories at the end of the month.

This year also marks five years of our Staff Pride Network for LGBT+ colleagues and allies. In recognition of this the network will be running a series of events throughout the year. You can stay up to date about their upcoming news and events through their dedicated webpage.

You can also find recordings from their May events on their YouTube channel which you can subscribe to: SPN YouTube channel

The SPN is continuing to offer Rainbow Office Hours, in which members of their community offer free time on the last Friday of each month, from 12 to 1pm, for anyone that needs to talk.

You can find out more, how to contact them and how to join as LGBT+ or ally member, on the SPN on their blogsite.