Dr Kitty Wheater, our Mindfulness Chaplain, has shared her MindLetter features with bulletin since last April, guiding us through the mixed emotions involved in living through this long pandemic.
Here we look back at some of her pieces that are still helpful today.
Trouble Sleeping
Do you find yourself struggling to stay awake at your desk but the moment your head hits the pillow you’re wide awake? Many of us have experienced huge disruptions to our sleeping schedules recently. Here Kitty explores how we can soothe our sleeping patterns into something more regular. Read more.
When Zoom fatigue becomes Zoom burnout
We’ve been working from home for a long time, communicating electronically with friends, family and colleagues. Here Kitty talks about digital exhaustion and the small things we can do to prevent it. Read more.
Microsoft screams: when information overloads
Here, Kitty helps us recognise the signs we might be struggling with information overload, and shares ways to deal with it. Read more.
When there is good news
Back in December the first news about a Covid-19 vaccine was reported. In this piece Kitty explains how to deal with the news after a long and incredibly difficult year. Read more.
How to home from work
Although we’ve been working from home for a while now, that doesn’t mean that it has gotten any easier. Bringing work into your personal, private space can take a while to balance. Kitty reminds us how important it is to pack away the work part of our homes. Read more.
Waiting games, and how to play them
You could be forgiven for thinking it has felt like a long lockdown. As the prospect of it ending comes into sight once again, Kitty shares tips for holding on and waiting just a little bit longer. Read more.
Why Don’t You Write Me
Kitty also helps to run Why Don’t You Write Me, a rolling six-month project from the Chaplaincy for both the University community and your own families and friends, to help connect us to ourselves and each other during this time. Read more.
Mindfulness courses and drop-in sessions
A five-week Mindfulness and Compassion Course for Staff, with Kitty and Harriet Harris, began on Thursday 22 April. Click above for more info, or join the twice-weekly lunchtime mindfulness drop-in sessions online.