Celebrating our graduates

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If 2020 showed us anything it’s that we can all find strength, talent and resilience in even the most challenging times. Nominations are now open for the 2021 Being Edinburgh award, which recognises graduates who have displayed these attributes in their life and work. Their achievements are not necessarily well known, but their stories should be shared and celebrated.

If you know of alumni who are making a difference in their world, in ways that may or may not be visible, and whose actions positively affect others, please nominate them. These questions might help bring someone to mind:

  • Do you know a former student who makes you glow with positivity?
  • Whose story and achievements need to be more well known?
  • If you could chat to a current Edinburgh student, who would you tell them about?

Tell us about a former University of Edinburgh student who you believe is being brilliant and let’s celebrate our University community.

You can make a nomination through the Development and Alumni website until Friday 5 February at 5pm.