Each fortnight bulletin highlights and celebrates the latest prizes awarded to our fellow staff members. Congratulations to all involved.
Andy Gordon, Chair in Computer Security, and Professor Gordon Plotkin, both in the School of Informatics, have been awarded a Fellowship of the Association for Computing Machinery in recognition of their contributions to programming languages.
Rebecca Spicer from the School of Chemistry has won this year’s Royal Society of Chemistry Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry Group Thesis Prize for her work with the Lusby group.
Dr Jackie Gulland, Lecturer in Social Work at the School of Social & Political Science, has received the Social Policy Association’s 2020 Richard Titmuss award for her book Gender, work and social control: a century of disability benefits. The award recognises the year’s best book in the field.
Edinburgh Law School has been awarded two new grants under the Economic and Social Research Council Impact Acceleration Account scheme. One is for work on a map-based tool that will showcase risky routes in times of pandemic or conflict and allow people to avoid them. The other is to help maximise the implementation of children’s human rights in Scotland.
Professor John Ravenscroft, Chair of Childhood Visual Impairment in Moray House School of Education and Sport, has recieved an engagement fellowship from the Arts and Humanities Research Council for research to help support the needs of children with visual impairment.
Please get in touch with us to let us know about any awards you or your colleagues have received. You can email us at bulletin@ed.ac.uk.