Celebrating our colleagues – 1 December

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Each fortnight bulletin highlights and celebrates the latest prizes awarded to our fellow staff members.

Huge congratulations to the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies who have won the first ever Veterinary School of the year award. The prize recognises the School’s investment in teaching and training activities in animal welfare through its many projects.

The award is a new category within the 2020 Global Animal Welfare Awards, which runs in conjunction with the World Veterinary Association and Ceva Animal Health.

The Library’s uCreate Makerspace has won Outstanding Library Team in the Times Higher Education (THE) Awards. The prize recognises the innovation of the studio as it offers the use of new and emerging technologies to aid both staff and students in their research, teaching and learning. The team has also been able to use the uCreate Makerspace to support the shift to hybrid teaching this year. Find out more about the services the studio offer on the uCreate website.

Sharing things: the podcast has been awarded runner up in the Student Experience category of the Guardian University Awards. Congratulations to the Alumni Relations team who have been managing the creation of the podcast since September 2019 in collaboration with Employ.ed on Campus interns Amalie Sortland (seasons 1 and 2) and Richenda Rae (season 3). The podcast currently has more than 12,000 plays and the team are planning on bringing out the fourth series in early 2021. Visit the Sharing things website to find out more or search for “Sharing things” on your favourite podcast platform to listen to the episodes.

Please get in touch with us to let us know about any awards you or your colleagues have received. You can email us at bulletin@ed.ac.uk.