Five months ago, Edinburgh was deserted. As we all came to terms with lockdown, and our lives shrunk to the size of our living rooms, the University and its estate was quieter than it had been in a long, long time. Only our key workers were continuing to travel in to work, keeping an eye on things and making sure the disturbance to our community was as minimal as possible.
Now, Scotland is slowly opening up and we’re beginning to welcome back more of our staff and students. Bulletin invited you to share your snapshots and stories so we can celebrate our staff who are gradually returning to work, as well as those who never stopped.

Joe Tomaney and Alan Carracher (left) and Euan Forsyth (right) carrying out checks.

Euan McCulloch (left) and Candela Sanchez-Rodilla Espeso (right) have been working in the Visitor Centre.

Lorna Brain and Susan Leven have also been checking the Student Village at the King’s Buildings (left). Becky Coull (right) has been helping Gill Scott arrange signage for buildings reopening.

Although we’ve shared only a small snapshot of the many teams who have been contributing to the reopening of campus, it’s clear just how much work has been happening to make sure our University community will be safe when we eventually all return.