Need to know – 12 August

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Here are the top updates from the Adaptation and Renewal teams working across the University.

1. Guidance to support Semester 1 planning

Detailed information and guidance has been added to the Adaptation and Renewal SharePoint page to help staff to plan for Semester 1. This includes key information around buildings and estates, health and safety, learning and teaching activities and student support services. This page will continue to be updated as more information becomes available.

2. Update on Welcome Week 2020 

Welcome Week will be held on Monday 14 – Friday 18 September. This year there will be a longer ‘welcome period’ to ensure we provide a warm welcome at the point that new or returning students start their studies, whether on-campus or not, to provide additional support to receive the information and experiences when they can access them. Central Welcome Week induction activities are being adapted and will be delivered virtually and will be available throughout the entire welcome period. More information can be found on the induction activities pages of the new students (pre-arrival and induction) sharepoint site.

3. Working with local partners 

The University continues to work with partners across Edinburgh, including the Local Authority; NHS Lothian; Police Scotland; other Higher Education Institutions and Edinburgh Airport to coordinate an effective local response that prioritises health and safety, supports our students and follows Scottish Government and Public Health Scotland guidance.