1.New guiding principles and guidance for remote, home and hybrid working
Many of us have had to adapt to working at home, and some of us will continue to work from home for some time to come. New guiding principles on home, remote and hybrid working have been published, and further guidance is due to be published later this week.
Read the new guiding principles.
2. Reopening our estate
The Estates and Health and Safety teams have been working hard with colleagues to ensure that the University is able to begin a phased reopening process. From this week, the first tranche of our buildings (24 buildings, including 17 research buildings) will reopen.
Please note that Government guidelines mean that not everyone can gain access to a building even if open. So please do not return to your workplace on campus until advised by your line manager.
3. Working from home experience survey
Colleagues are encouraged to completely the working from home experience survey that was sent round last week. This important and anonymous survey will help inform what University-wide services may need to adapt or change to best support staff who are working from home. The survey is designed to be filled out quickly, and the deadline for responses is Friday 3 July. If you are working from home, please complete the survey here.